Times Change are you changing with the times ?
While I agree that Facebook IPO is initially over-priced, Social Media is the next Hot Investment.
Why ?
Social Media has quickly become a new medium for information sharing and being up to date with the latest information. It is fast quick efficient and offers individual freedom to select different points of view.
Consumers are now sceptical of traditional newspapers particularly since the News Corp Phone Hacking Scandal, this only confirmed our suspicion.
While there will be a place for traditional printed newspapers we are all reading our news on Mobiles and the Mobile platforms require short sharp messages as we scan through the information selecting what we want.
I have been using mobile news since 2008 and while it took time to adjust as many web platforms were not compatible and at first cumbersome, this has radically changed with Mobile platforms now first priority and so navigation is great.
As the use of Social Media has grown, so to has Brand advertising and while it is still in its infancy it is projected to reach over $ 8 Billion in advertising revenue by 2015. In the current tight ad budgets this is a market to be in
Traditional newspapers simply can't compete with Social Media and will be left stranded if they largely rely on traditional printed material.
As an investment strategy Social Media sounds very promising.
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